Monday, October 1, 2012

Pumpkin Thinking Maps

This week we will begin our pumpkin writing! I am so excited! After this we will do our double bubble map comparing apples and pumpkins. At my school we use the write from the beginning curriculum. It is a three day writing process that has a heavy focus on structure. A typical write from the beginning lesson lasts for three days in first grade.

Day 1: Circle Map- First we do one whole group and then I let the kids record their own ideas on their individual map.

Day 2: Tree Map- This map helps students organize their ideas from their circle map in a very clear way. They must organize their ideas into three categories. Again, we do this one whole group first.

Day 3: Sentence Writing/ Brace Map- On the last day students transfer ideas from their tree maps into complete sentences. They must write at least one sentence from each category. After they finish this they complete their brace maps that gives the labels for the parts of the picture.

Here is a preview of my FREE pumpkin writing thinking maps! If you grab a free download please follow my blog!

 For a free copy of this activity click here!

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